Is it possible to request to remove page snapshots from a personal social media profile you own from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine


My understanding is that if it is your domain, and you add a robots.txt, then you can exclude it from the web archive.

And this unofficial page suggests that if you forgot to add a robots.txt, but manage to retroactively prove that you owned the domain at a given date, then they might also remove it: and this is also suggested at

How can I exclude or remove my site's pages from the Wayback Machine?

You can send an email request for us to review to with the URL (web address) in the text of your message.

But what if you have a personal profile on a social media website such as Twitter, Facebook, Stack Exchange, etc. which has a robots.txt that allows archiving?

Also interested in the special subcase where that content has an open license such as CC-By-SA.

Do they remove archives of your profile upon request?

Obviously supposing that the content is legal according to the laws of where Web Archive is hosted.

Best Answer

I have personally witnessed a case where such request was made with rationale that it would be a personal security risk to the owner of a social media profile, and the specific profile page was "excluded from the Wayback Machine" when I later tested it, and I am certain it had been archived earlier. I cannot provide more information however due to privacy concerns of that case, but know that in that case at least, there is precedent.