I’ve never logged into LinkedIn, but I receive update notifications


I've never subscribed to LinkedIn. To me it's a virus. A past employee, who is no longer with our company, had placed my name in his distribution list of updates. I don't know how to get in touch with this person nor do I wish to. He is a complete jackass. I will not sign into LinkedIn to mail him to remove my name as I don't have an account nor do I want one.

How do I stop these?

In Outlook I have placed them in SPAM but they still get into my junk email and I cannot stop this.

I can supply the name of the individual if Customer Service can go in and block or delete my name from his list.

Best Answer

LinkedIn is an unstoppable and unwinnable spammer, there is no way to really unsubscribe. To avoid receiving their emails, I registered and disabled all emails in the settings. Once you've done that, you can forget LinkedIn forever.

When you can't beat them, join them.

Otherwise, if you want to choose a longer route and if you are in a lucky country with privacy protection, you can of course complain to the relevant authority: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/bodies/authorities/index_en.htm