Marking all Google Voice messages as read


I have over 200 unread text messages and voice messages on Google Voice. How can I mark these all as read without having to do it one page at a time?

I tried pressing "select all" and then looking for a "select all conversations that matched instead" button (similar to what Gmail has), but there is no button like that.

Best Answer

For the non coders not wanting to use the Python answer, the solution is shortcuts.

  1. Select "Show: Unread" instead of the default "Show: All" in the top bar towards the right.
  2. Try * (asterisk) then A (selects all)
  3. Shift I (marks all selected as read, then goes to next page)

I marked over 400 messages as read in under a minute.

If you happen to use AutoHotKey, here is a script that will perform the above by typing shift-F9. Just be sure to first click on the "unread" option at the top.

   SendInput *a!
   Sleep, 500
   SendInput I
   Sleep, 500
   SendInput n