Migrate all contacts from Outlook 2013 to Outlook on the web


My company is dropping desktop versions of Microsoft Office in favour of online equivalents. Our sysadmin has migrated mail messages but not contacts. My findings so far:

  • *.pst format: Outlook on the web doesn't seem to support it.

  • Exporting to CSV: exporting the top-level "Contacts" item generates an empty file (with just headers). Exporting each individual item seems to work but I'd need to repeat it several dozen times.

  • Official documentation and YouTube videos assume that contacts must be imported in desktop app and will magically show up on the web. I presume that only happens if you buy the appropriate licence.

  • The commercial application that buys ads in Google searches appears to be some kind of scam.

Is there a way to migrate all contacts at once from Outlook 2013 to Outlook on the web?

Best Answer

I eventually reached the conclusion that the only way is to use CSV and painfully go several dozen times through the export/import cycle.