Misplaced venue in Foursquare


I've seen some venues away from they real place on Foursquare. (2-3 km away actually) Is there a way to correct these positions without claiming the venues? (Preferably from the web interface)

Best Answer

From here: http://support.foursquare.com/entries/225585-how-do-i-report-duplicate-venues

You can flag a venue as closed, duplicate, or as having an incorrect address from the app. On the Android click on menu and then Edit Venue when on a venue page. On the iPhone, click on the square with the arrow in the upper right corner to flag a venue as a duplicate. A superuser will approve your suggested merge. If you're a superuser, you can suggest merges from the Edit Venue view, and go through the merge queue for your town.

You can also report duplicate venues on your computer at http://getsatisfaction.com/foursquare where our superusers will help you out!