Nesting Circles in Google Plus


Is there a way to nest circles in Google+?

For example, if I have a Workmates circle and I want all my workmates to also be in the Acquaintances circle. If I add or remove a person from the Workmates circle it would automatically be added or removed from the Acquaintances circle.

I could not find it, and filed a suggestion. Anyone know if it's possible to do this?

Best Answer

No, there isn't. I have seen several people post such a proposal as a Google+ message, however. I hope that Google is considering it.

There is at least one guy who is faking it by creating multiple, specially-named circles. For instance, he has a "Friends: Online" circle and a "Friends: All" circle. Anyone he drops into "Friends: Online" he also drops into "Friends: All". This'll break down, of course, if he forgets someone.

Here's a similar approach.