Number portability across Google Voice


My younger brother in-law wanted something like what Google Voice offers, so I gave him my GV number a few months ago to "try out" and see if he liked it.

He's shared the number with all his friends and put the number on his business card, and now I get calls all day long, even on weekends.

The GV number I have, that he uses, is something I rarely use, and would be happy to part with.

Is there a way by which I can "port" ( move ) my current GV number to be my brother in law's GV number ( he does not have a GV number yet ), and get myself a new number?

Alternately, would it be possible to swap GV numbers between two users? ( Assume he got 123-456-7890 and swapped that one with the one I have? )

At the worst, can I get a completely new number?

Best Answer

Yes, you should be able to change your number, like this, but there's a $10 fee. If you contact their support, perhaps they can arrange for you to "swap" the numbers the way you want. I don't think there's a way to do this yourself, without contact customer service.

As an alternative solution, I would suggest checking out Skype. I believe they offer the same kind of services with a bit more "flexibility" and with some additional features.