Obtain Pinterest image’s source URL


Pinterest lets users post images from other websites as a sort of image bookmark. Often when I come across a Pinterest post, I am interested in the original full-resolution source.

Pinterest posts have a "Website" link pointing to the web page the user pinned the image from. For this picture of a puppy, this links back to the gallery page for that specific image on Imgur (http://imgur.com/gallery/PSP7XRR), which is good.

However, frequently Pinterest posts just link uselessly to a website's home page or other time-dependent pages (commonly Tumblr blogs), which doesn't help much for finding the original image. For instance, this puppy picture goes to the source website's home page (http://www.cutestpaw.com/).

Can you get the source URL of the image itself from Pinterest?

(I'm aware of external reverse-image-search tools like Google Images and TinEye; these can't always find the source of an image. I'm asking whether Pinterest lets you see where it got the image from.)

Somewhat related (also involving image source URLs): Exclude Pinterest pins of the same image from the same domain

Best Answer

Can you get the source URL of the image itself from Pinterest?

Not necessarily - because there might not even be one.

Pinterest doesn't require the pinned image to be on the web-page. I can upload an image from my computer, and then after it was pinned to a board I could edit the pin, and attach an URL to it. There is no connection between the image and the URL.
(Worked example: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/158259374379943925/ )