Office Live, SkyDrive, pictures and files management


I'm using the Microsoft Office Live file space (aka SkyDrive) to share my photos.
I have two problems:

  1. It seems that I can't get any rational urls for my images. They are something like:
    and the urls are changing over time!

  2. I can't find an easy way to move multiple files with browser to some other folder.

  3. When I use it as a network drive, the root folder is empty.

Others than that, I like the service a lot.

Best Answer

  1. Yes, this is a known current limitation that is being addressed.
  2. Same here.
  3. (I wonder how you are adding SkyDrive as a networking drive. This is not currently a scenario Microsoft supports officially. :-)) This is currently by design - SkyDrive does not allow uploading files to the root; only folders are allowed in the root "folder".