Pandora: song seed vs. thumbs up, what’s the difference


What's the difference between adding a song as a seed to a station vs. giving it a thumbs up?

Does it affect which songs will be played differently, or do they behave exactly the same?

I noticed that when I start a radio station with any given song, the song is usually not going to be played on the station. However, when I up-vote a song, it will be played more often. Is this really how Pandora works, or am I just not observing it correctly?

Best Answer

thumb : This action narrows the scope of the station; thumbing down a song prevents that song from being played again and thumbing up will make sure that that song is played more and that the scope of the station is limited to songs that are more like it

seeds : This action broadens the scope of the station; adding a song or artist to a station adds variety based on that song

See also