Pocket and RSS Reader. Is there a better way


I'm a Newsify user (via a lifeboat from Google Reader). I also use Pocket to send things to my feeds to read them later. The problem is that such things turn up like this:

enter image description here

Rather than this:

enter image description here

Which is a pain for offline viewing. (To be clear, it's the words that I'm missing, I could live without the images) Is there a better way? I'm happy to switch from Pocket to a more suitable service… I'd just like things to turn up. I'd be happy with a halfway solution, something that just worked on things that already supported RSS.

Best Answer

In the absence of other solutions I'm currently just clipping things into evernote, into a special 'read later' notepad - evernote takes care of the syncing on all devices and everything works wonderfully.

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