Pointing IFTTT Recipe to a different Instagram Account


I am a teacher and have set up an IFTTT account to automatically post our classroom Instagram account photos to our classroom Facebook page. IFTTT automatically is connecting to my personal Instagram account. It let's me choose the classroom Facebook page [which is connected to my personal Facebook], but I cannot find a way to change the Instagram account from my personal to my classroom account.

Best Answer

It will be a ten minute project but Flickr still supports what you want so if you register Flickr, or several other IFTTT file-hosting services, you can still post to your class instagram. I hope I understand well enough and that this helps, but here is what I would try:

Your Primary IFTTT Account:
{New Instagram Photo}
{Save Photo to [SomeServiceFolderLikeFlickrFolderX]}

Your New Classroom IFTTT Account:
{Post to ClassroomFacebookWall}

So essentially you need to set up another IFTTT account, link it to the classroom IFTTT, then set triggers in your personal account that transpose the image to your new IFTTT which will be linked to the correct page, whereat you can post.