Publish on Tumblr with an easy-to-type email


I know Tumblr allows users to post on their blog by mail. But the email given by Tumblr is not really easy to type on a mobile phone, for example.

Is there a way to post easily on Tumblr using a simple mail address, or a custom one?

(I tried email redirection with Gmail, but Tumblr doesn't seem to understand it.)

My final idea? During a wedding, let everybody easily post pictures by emails on Tumblr.

Best Answer

Can you create an account on a free email service like Gmail, Yahoo!, or Outlook, and then set this to automatically forward to the geeky address that Tumblr gives?

I recommend this approach for Blogger, because it's the only way that the blog-administrator can know who the emailed content actually came from. Not sure if Tumblr has the same issue.