Google Sheets – Fix Query Divide by Sum Column Error

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-query

Looking to work around with error message "Add_col_to_group_by_or_agg:Col1" from formula below:

Query(Query({data range},"Select etc."), "Select (Col1*Col3)/Sum(Col1)",0)

The inner query Query({data range},"Select etc.") is working, the output contains 3 columns, with same number of rows, arranged like below:

Col1 | Col2 | Col3
1.00 | 11 | 25
2.00 | 21 | 21
3.00 | 10 | 22,etc.

And I'm looking to wrap this result in another query to using the criteria "Select (Col1*Col3)/Sum(Col1)", which unfortunately I cannot get it working.

I've tried it is working totally good if just using partial criteria "Select Col1*Col3" or "Select Sum(Col1)", but when combined the two with the divide, I couldn't get it working, error message as mentioned earlier, "Add_col_to_group_by_or_agg:Col1".

I cannot use =arrayformula here, because I've to use the Col numbers but not the Col name.

Best Answer

I've found the answer to my own question, through another post

It seems query only allow one of two things in a single query, so I cannot do both divide by & sum in one go. Alternatively I used another method from the other post to reach the solution.

Arrayformula(Query(Query({data range},"Select etc."), "Select (Col1*Col3)",0)/Query(Query({data range},"Select etc."), "Select Sum(Col1)",0)

What I did was, separated the query into 2 parts,
1)do query (Col1*Col3);
2)do query Sum(Col1)

Then warp them using arrayformula Arrayformula(query1/query2).