Quick way to edit a specific Tumblr post


I'm at a specific post of my Tumblr blog (its permalink). I want to edit it. Is there a quick way to do that? I don't see an Edit link anywhere. When I try to search for it in my dashboard by switching to the tumblelog in the dropdown and searching ("This Tumblelog") for words in the title or body of my specific post, it does not show up.

I know about this other question, but I don't want to see all my posts. I have far too many and want to edit a specific one that is very far back in time. Currently I have to scroll past all my other posts to get to it, and this is very annoying and time-consuming.

Is there a quicker way to do this? Am I searching my tumblelog wrong? Or is this a bug in Tumblr?

Update: I would much prefer a way to do it in the Dashboard so that I can also moderate notes.

Best Answer

Mehper's answer no longer works, as Kirk Woll mentions. As of Feb 2015, you need the following URL to edit:


Replacing < post_id> with your post ID # (example: 406783219) and replacing < blog_name> with the domain of your blog, without the tumblr.com part (example: staff).


Obviously, you have to be logged in to your account first, and have the appropriate edit permissions.