Random codes appearing at the end of URLs (WordPress site)


I use WordPress on my website and I've noticed the following code at the end of URLs when viewing pages/posts. The codes vary depending on the browser (Chrome, Safari and Firefox.)

  • Chrome: #.T08yOCM5CDU
  • Safari: #.T08yRZg5D8s
  • Firefox: #.T08yaiM5CDU

Is it simply a way for Google to track my site's hits?

Are my readers seeing this?

My site's URL is http://www.internationalpolicydigest.org/

Edited to reflect the plugins that my website is using:

  • AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
  • Adminer
  • Disqus Comment System
  • Donate Plus
  • Facebook Revised Open Graph Meta Tag
  • Front Page Category
  • Google XML Sitemaps
  • HTML in Author Bio
  • Image Widget
  • Just Another Author Widget
  • No category parents
  • Outbrain
  • Page Links To
  • Quick Page/Post Redirect DEV
  • Relevanssi
  • Search & Replace
  • Widget Context
  • Woo Recent Posts
  • WP-PageNavi
  • WP Easy Gallery

Best Answer

I noticed this on a site I worked on - The client had enabled 'Track address bar shares' in the addthis plugin. Un-ticking this option removed the codes from the sites URLs