RSS – Feed Provider/Reader with More Entries Option


I am quite sure the question title is not helpful, thus, here is the long version:

Is there any "common practice" method to extend feeds to give readers an option to load more entries?

What I want to achive is providing search results in a simple-to-browse way. I thought, feeds would be nice. However, neither RSS nor Atom provide a standard mechanism to get "more entries".

I know "CoolIris" uses <atom:link rel="previous" ... /> and <atom:link rel="next" ... /> in its media feeds to achive this (reference), but using "previous" and "next" is not in the Atom specification. So this is also a very non-standard way.

Since I will create the feeds myself, I could use any method. However, is there any reader out there which will unterstand something like this?

Best Answer

If I understand what you want correctly, you want to implement "paged search results" in a Atom/RSS feed.

I don't think this type of thing is widely implemented, but there is a proposed standard (via at—look specifically at the OpenSearch response elements.

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