RSS feeds for Associated Press News


I like reading news from Associated Press, but rather than using their website I'd prefer to use RSS feeds. The problem is I can't find any RSS feeds nowhere on their website.

The only things I found using search engine was this cryptic link. It does have a list of feeds indeed, but they don't work properly – each post has invalid link which redirects to the main page.

I contacted Associated Press, but they didn't reply me.

Does somebody know how to obtain a proper working RSS feed for AP? I can't believe such a huge professional news organisation wouldn't have RSS feed for their site…

Best Answer

It seems that AP uses a custom XML format for their feeds. RSS is very limiting in terms of the data types that it allows and requires. (Media RSS adds a bit more in the area of media, images, etc.)

The link you found for AP's feeds has this format for feed data. Take a look at the source to understand format:

Where are you looking to use the RSS? Simply to subscribe to? Or integrate in a web application?

If looking to subscribe, see if this helps:

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