RSS – How to Run Recipe on Existing RSS Entries


I've created a recipe to backup content published to an RSS feed, but it only runs on new items. I am hoping there is a way to get it to run on all the historical items to, so that I don't have to do them all by hand.

Is this even possible with IFFT?

Best Answer

I emailed IFTTT support about this and here's what they said:

Really cool idea! This isn’t currently possible, but we’ll keep it in mind. Thanks for sharing your feedback.

Your Recipe will check your feed every ≈15 minutes for new information. I hope that clears things up. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

I know that email-to-RSS services like MailChimp and Aweber often look at the published date on the RSS item and only retrieve it if the date is within the last 24 hours. If possible, you might want to try modifying the date on your RSS feed items to something within the last 24 hours and see if IFTTT picks up more items. (You might be able to use Yahoo! Pipes to modify the date on-the-fly and give IFTTT the Yahoo! Pipes feed.)

Otherwise, creating a PHP script that does what you need is probably the next best option.