Google Books – Can Pages of a Book Be Saved?


I hope to save a few pages of a book freely available at Google Books: Page 218-223 of Richard Hittleman's Yoga: 28 Day Exercise Plan. I am using Ubuntu and preferably Firefox.

How would I do that?

Best Answer

Google Book Downloader

This is a greasemonkey script that works under Firefox. I have tested this under a Windows 7 machine as I don't have access to a Ubuntu machine here with me.

To download a book (or the preview pages you can see) from Google Books

  1. Install the greasemonkey add-on to Firefox
  2. Install the Google Book Downloader script (Click on Install in the upper right)
  3. Go to the Google book you wish to download, in your case Richard Hittleman's Yoga: 28 Day Exercise Plan
  4. On the left hand side column click Download this book, select the from and to pages
  5. Once the images are created of the pages you're allowed to view, you may download them. Currently it's one at a time.

For the current page your viewing there is a download image that looks like a floppy disk with PA### where ### is the current page on the right hand side of the page. Clicking this will allow you to download the single page.