Twitter Search – How to Search by Location


How do I search for Tweets sent from a Location?

Twitter help says there's a Place tab in Advanced Search. But there is none.
I've tried Place:$place and Location:location but that is a plain text search.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

geocode: longitude, latitude,radiusmi

Example: This is a search within 200mi of an area just west of Denver;


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Geolocalization: the search operator “near” isn’t available in the API, but there is a more precise way to restrict your query by a given location using the geocode parameter specified with the template “latitude,longitude,radius”, for example, “37.781157,-122.398720,1mi”. When conducting geo searches, the search API will first attempt to find Tweets which have lat/long within the queried geocode, and in case of not having success, it will attempt to find Tweets created by users whose profile location can be reverse geocoded into a lat/long within the queried geocode, meaning that is possible to receive Tweets which do not include lat/long information.