MediaWiki – Search Within a Category


I'm trying to search for a keyword within a specific category on Wikimedia Commons. For example, like to search for "red flowers" within "Category:Flowers" so that I can categorize the images accordingly.

If this can't be done on Wikimedia Commons, is it possible to do this on other MediaWiki websites?

Best Answer

This is possible on Wikimedia Commons.

Can I specify categories when searching?

[...] To do this, just add +incategory:"CategoryName" to the search string. [...]

For example, if you wanted to look for the purple things in the "Flowers" category, you'd use this:

purple +incategory:"Flowers"

Be warned that if you're trying this on a default or fresh install of a MediaWiki site, it may not work since it's a Lucene search specific function that needs setting up.