IMDb – How to See Total Runtime of My Movies List


I have a My Movies list on and I would like to see how much runtime all the movies and/or TV series in this list sum in total.

For example: Movie A has a 90 minute runtime, Movie B has a 120 minute runtime, Series C has 2 episodes of 30 minutes each. The sum would be 270 minutes or 4 hours, 30 minutes. This is what I am searching for—the total.

Is there a way to get this information from the website, that I am unaware of?

Best Answer

No, you would have hacked their site and put there such script ;). But, what you can do... is to write some program/addon for your browser. I think maybe GreaseMonkey could do something like that. Try to search greasemonkey firefox and go this way. Or hire some programmer who can write asuch monitoring script for Chrome or Firefox. basically the addon should save the entering time and leavving time for your list URL and save it. HTen you can do everything what you want with these results. So, finding a pregrammer who can write this addon is the best thing you can do in my opinion. That's my advice for you ;)