WhatsApp – Send Message from Browser to Non-Contacts


My smartphone is not by me, but it's charging and well connected to Internet, anyhow I am using whatsapp through web.whatsapp.com at the moment.

The real problem is I urgently need to contact specifically OVER WHATSAPP some new people that are not between my contacts, whose phone numbers I DO have with me (calling them or another type of communication is not an option).

Already tried adding them to my synchronized contacts, but the phone doesn't seem to be updating the contacts list as it should, or whatsapp doesn't synchronizes the new contacts to it's own internal list, therefore they never appear as option to be contacted.

I believe Whatsapp Web should have an option but there's neither an option to start a new conversation with non-existent contacts, nor to add a new contact to the smartphones contacts, nor to the inner whatsapp contacts list.

Has anyone a solution to contact this people over Whatsapp from my same whatsapp number?

Best Answer

Using the official "Click to Chat" API

The current API URL procedure now comes in a shorter format and also allows including the text message (very nice!):


(where NUMBER is a full phone number in international format [only numbers, no spaces or symbols] and MESSAGE is the URL-encoded pre-filled message)

It's also possible to assign a message to be sent with no user being specified, allowing to send the same message to many people at once (just perfect for what I needed to do at this moment). It works like this:


Anyone can simply copy, modify and visit this URLS to get the contact being made.

The complete official and current information is in here: https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/26000030/

(Nice job Whatsapp!)

Using another native App

Another possible solution for this situation could have been using an app called WhatsDirect, but haven't tried it, rather prefer a solution with no new apps needed.