Sequential to-do list using GitHub issues


At my company we are using GitHub issues to track issues, bugs, tasks, etc. We have tags for priorities but that is not working really well. What we would like to do is to build a list of tasks that has an order and the order is the order in which things will get done.

Is there any way of doing this with GitHub?

Best Answer

My team ran into similar problems: a bug tracking system is great for logging all bugs and new functionality to be built, but we needed something more to help us prioritize and work together. The process we developed and that works really well for us is a combination of a bug tracker (BugZilla in our case) and Trello. Trello is a superb piece of web software to keep track of various lists, and it is free.

We use it as follows:

  • a list per category (for instance, back-end, front-end, etc.)
  • in addition to the category lists the following lists: Doing, Testing, Done
  • different colors to indicate the priority of issues per category

This allows us to have different priority lists which more closely reflects reality for us. Also, it is very easy to see who is working on what.

In addition to the above process, we also use Trello exclusively (i.e. without a bugtracking system) for quick and dirty projects to keep the overhead of adding new tasks low.