Setting Gravatar images to same by disregarding any plus addressing in emails


How can I set up Gravatar to use the same image for any plus or tagged email address used?

I have subscribed to websites such as Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, Github, etc. using a "+" email address (tagged email address), like this one:

In order to display a picture with my profile, such websites rely on the service. I don't want to subscribe for every site to a new gravatar account.

Is there a possibility to have a single gravatar account linked with "+"'d email addresses?

Actually, my question is exactly the opposite of trying to set up multiple gravatars with the same email address.

Github solved this problem in adding a field "Gravatar email" in the Profile page. Can Stack Exchange network do the same? Where should I ask?

Best Answer

Five years later, but you can now (and for quite some time) add additional email addresses to your Gravatar account. Just log in to your account, add the email address, click the link in the confirm email and you are done.

Still not as easy an practical as a "+" wildcard, but quite doable.