Google Plus – How to Share a Link and Content Using a URL


Is there any way I can share content and the link to the content to Google+ the way Facebook does, using just an URL?

With Facebook feed dialog, I can share content title, description and the URL. Is that possible with Google Plus? I did some searching and only found sharing of URL.

Best Answer

You can use the Google+ Share Link

The share link is intended for native client applications, Flash applications, highly privacy-sensitive sites, and others who may not be able to use the +1 or share button. Adding the following markup to your site will include a simple icon which will pop open a share dialog for your visitors.

<a href="{URL}" onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"><img src="" alt="Share on Google+"/></a>

Note: Replace {URL} with the URL of the page you want to share. You must properly escape any user-generated content that may occur within {URL}

If you just want a raw link, you can just use{URL}

Just make sure you properly escape the "{URL}" value.

The only other thing you can add besides the URL to share is the language code for the language to be used on the share page.