GitHub – How to Show Pull Requests for Specific File or Line


Lets assume I found a typo in some project's file. The project has a lot of open pull requests¹, so it's not practical to manually search through the pull requests if any of them contain a fix for this typo.

Is there a way to see all pull requests that change the regarding file or better yet the regarding line?

¹ E.g., take docker, which has 98 open pull requests at the time of this writing.

Best Answer

Hopefully by now you've found an answer to your question, but if not (or if anyone else has the same question) you can search a repo's open pull requests for a word or phrase -- the file name, for example, or the typo corrected, or the line that it appears on.

To search open pull requests, use the following search query:

is:pr is:open "phrase to search for"

Searching the Docker pull requests for "fix typo" right now returns 1 result.