GitHub Enterprise – Why Do I Show Up as Two Users in Reports?


I'm the only one on the team that I see this problem with. Some of my commits show my full name and others show my username. There are no accessibility issues regarding that, I have full access to what I should no matter what it shows. However, some of our reporting systems that reach in to pull out data see me as two different people.

Others on the team always show up as full name, even for things committed under the login name. It's as if there's some linkage between the two that is broken just for me. I'm not seeing anything obvious in my profile. It's been like this as far back as I can remember too.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

There are two different "names" you can use on GitHub -- your username and your public name. It's possible that using different names for the two is causing some confusion somewhere internal.

Try changing your public name to match your username (see below) and see if the discrepancy still occurs.

You can change your public name at (when you're logged in).

You can change your username at (also when logged in).