Slack – Add new word to Slack’s spell checker


When you type a word in Slack for Desktop (Mac or Win) and it is wrongly spelled it is highlighted. I want to add a word which is highlighted in Slack as wrong (Salesforce it is) and make Slack understand that the word is spelled correctly. Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

On the mobile version (Android 9) Slack pulls from phone's dictionary, including any words you have added. "Salesforce" (and all major brand names) are already included, but after adding "Salesfarce" to the android dictionary Slack did not error highlight that word.

On the windows slack client the system dictionary found at %AppData%\Microsoft\Spelling\en-us\default.dic is not used and instead slack includes a custom .bdic (binary dict file) at %AppData%\Local\Packages\%someHash%.Slack_%someHash%\LocalCache\Roaming\Slack\dictionaries.

THIS stackoverflow post details how to merge the bdict with a custom word list. In short the only available tool (at time of writing) to do this merge is Chromium.