Slack – How to clear the screen without deleting channel history


Channel history is useful, but despite slack's new message notification system, I find myself unnecessarily scanning old parts of a conversation frequently, and would like to hide it from the screen.

Is there a slack command or technique to hide on-screen messages, or to push them above the fold, once I am finished reading messages in a channel?

Shell Terminal applications and IRC clients implement this functionality, and it's very useful to suppress distractions.

Best Answer

This kind of feature is not supported by Slack.

I got in touch with them, and this is the official response:

Unfortunately, the option to hide on screen messages is not something we currently offer with Slack, although I see how useful this feature could be. I'm happy to pass this along as a suggestion to the team for future consideration! My apologies we don't currently offer this feature or something similar. (Amie, Slack Support)