Slack – How to create a checklist in a slack message


I'm trying to create a task list for myself in a private chat with my supervisor on Slack. I'm pretty familiar with markdown, and I thought that Slack supported it too. On GitHub, you can create tasks lists by writing something like this.

 - [ ] uncompleted task
 - [x] completed task

I thought Slack supported checklists like that too, especially since there are references to "checklist formatting", for example

Nowhere can I find any information on how that "checklist formatting" is done. When I search for "slack checklist formatting" on your favorite search engine, all I get is generic articles on how to format posts, that don't mention anything about checklists. When I try the GitHub formatting, it doesn't show up as actual checkboxes.

Please send help.

Best Answer

I found it! Wow I had this same issue -

Here's the thing. You have to 'Create a Post' using the lightening bolt - not by just typing it into slack. When you click on the lightening bolt, there's a post pop up box - you type in there and THEN one of the formatting options is the checklist.

So frustrating really - why not just have that a standard formatting option? Who ever clicks on the lightening bolt?

Anyhow, this article will give you more details - cheers