Slack – How to search in the current slack channel


If I am in slack channel "#foo" I want a quick way to search in this channel.

I know that I can search and then enter "in:foo" but this is cumbersome.

Is there a quick way to search in the current channel (without typing in the name of the channel)?

I use the web version of slack.

Related: How to search in a single channel?

Best Answer

Focus on the channel's textbox (where you write your messages) and press ctrl + F (or cmd + F if you're using a Mac) and a search bar will appear without you needing to type anything else but your search query. The rest is pre-filled.

In order for this to work you will have to be on the channel you want to search in and you need to have clicked on the message text box before pressing ctrl + F.

I hope this helps.