Slack – Why Can’t Private Channels Be Linked?


Let's say we are in a private conversation and we have a public channel (#public) and a private channel (#private). If I type in

Hey, this is a #public channel.

the "#public" is linked to the appropriated channel. If I type in however

Hey, this is a #private channel

the "#private" is not linked to the appropriated channel.

Can I achieve this? And if no, is there a reason why not?

Best Answer

  1. In the sidebar, you can right click on the #private channel you want to reference, and select the option to copy the link:

Slack channel copy link

  1. Then in your message where you want to reference the private channel (and make it look just like when you reference a public channel), type a hashtag and the channel name (e.g. #private) and then select that text:

Slack select channel name text

  1. Now click the hyperlink button or press Ctrl + Shift + U, to make a link of the text you just selected, and paste that link you copied as the URL and click the [Save] button:

Slack insert link dialog

Now your private channel is linked just like if it was a public channel. Hooray!

Slack message with private channel linked