Slack – How to Set Default Team Timezone

slacktime zone

People are signing into our newly created Slack team with the timezone UTC-7 but we are in UTC+10. I can find where people can manually change their timezone but I am trying to work out how I can either change it for them or simply set our team so all new people from here are by default in UTC+10. Is this achievable and where do I find it?

Best Answer

The answer, sadly, is it cannot be done, at least not at this time of writing.

I wrote to Slack support directly who advise this is not possible. I then asked if they could at least add support so people's default timezone is picked up from their device. They advised this is a commonly requested feature and is on their roadmap.

So, I am answering my own question as the official answer is this is not possible at this time - disappointing but true.