Hotmail/Outlook – Fix “:-( Something Went Wrong” Error

I've been able to access / every day on this PC, but today I received the following error in Google Chrome:

Image with error

Hotmail isn't down for everyone, and I'm also able to access it through FireFox or by using an Incognito window in Chrome.

I tried clearing my cookies for just this website by doing the following:
Image with browser bar

  • I first tried clearing the cache like this: I pressed F12, and then use "Clear Cache and Force Reload" by holding the Reload icon with my mouse. This didn't work.
  • I then tried clearing the cookies like this: I clicked the green lock next to the https-url, went to the cookies (there were 33), and removed all of them. This didn't work either (and currently it has 20 cookies every time I try to access the page again).
  • I've tried blocking and unblocking the website.
  • I've also looked in Fiddle4 what happens when I browse to, which was the following:
Nr Result  Protocol  Host       URL                   Body  Process
1  200     HTTP      Tunnel to  0     chrome:1684         
2  200     HTTP      Tunnel to     0     chrome:1684         
3  200     HTTP      Tunnel to       0     chrome:1684         
4  200     HTTP      Tunnel to       0     chrome:1684         
5  200     HTTP      Tunnel to       0     chrome:1684         
6  200     HTTP      Tunnel to    0     chrome:1684         
7  200     HTTP      Tunnel to    0     chrome:1684         
8  200     HTTP      Tunnel to    0     chrome:1684     

It's weird that it only shows 200 results, because when I look at the Network tab of the Google Chrome F12 menu it ends with:

Status:     500
Type:       document
Initiator:  /owa/?bO=1:173
Size:       26.1 KB
Time:       45 ms
  • I then tried clearing my entire cookies, cache, downloads, browser history, etc. for the last week. Now when I went to I went to the login screen, instead of the error-screen above, so I thought it was solved. When I logged in however, I get the same error again.
  • I then tried the same as above, but logged in with a different hotmail account that I've used in the past for spam when creating one-time accounts. But this leads to the same error..

My network experience is pretty bad, so now I don't really know what to try next. Does anyone perhaps know what causes this issue, or better yet, how to resolve it?

PS: Yes, I came across this similar SU question, but it doesn't have any answers, and I tried what was mentioned in the comments (with the green lock).

EDIT: Hmm, now about 10 minutes later when I go to (out of habit..) it goes to with the following screen:
language & timezone page

When I fill in the language and timezone (it's Dutch btw), it goes to the following url with error:
The custom error module does not recognize this error.

Which gives a 449 error when I look at the Google Chrome network tab. I've never seen this error before, but apparently it's 449: Retry With – The server cannot honour the request because the user has not provided the required information.

So I now get a different error, but I still can't access hotmail through Google Chrome. I'm convinced something is wrong with the owa-requests, but I'm not sure what.

EDIT 2: Back to the first error again.. >.>

Best Answer

I had the same error, but pausing Ad-Block fixed it for me.