Stop a WordPress application from using the Gravatar photo


I uploaded a photo to Gravatar.

Today, I just registered to post on a site running WordPress. Because personal health is discussed on this site, I used a pseudonym on the site, but much to my dismay, it seems like it's going to automatically display my picture from Gravatar. I looked through all the options in WordPress, and I see that I can change my displayed username, but there is no way to specify my Gravatar.

Is there a way to stop this WordPress site from displaying my photo, short of simply not using that site?

Best Answer

Whether or not a Gravatar photo is displayed when you comment on a WordPress-based site depends on HOW exactly you connect to that site.

And you also need to understand that and are provided by the same company, and usernames are shared across both. Thus, if you connect to the site using your account, then your corresponding Gravatar photo will (or at least can) get shown. In order to rule out this possibility, make sure you are not logged in to or before (and while) commenting on the site.

Assuming then that you will be identifying yourself to the site only via an email address, make sure to give an address that does not have a corresponding photo registered.