GitHub Notifications – Stop Auto-Subscription to Repositories


I’ve been joined to a GitHub “organisation” for some things I do at the day job occasionally (administrative and Debian packaging things). I’m not normally involved in the development of the stuff hosted by that GitHub organisation.

However, when someone creates a new repository on that organisation, I am automatically subscribed to it and need to manually unwatch it, all the time.

How can I stop being automatically subscribed to new repositories—ideally, for one particular organisation only?

Best Answer

Go to GitHub settings

You'll see this:

Automatic Watching

☑ Automatically watch repositoiries

When you’re given push access to a repository, automatically receive notifications for it.

If you uncheck or untick that box you should now have to manually watch repositories that are added by your joined organisation if they've also given you push access.

You can't set it on a per organisation level though. It's all or nothing at the moment.