The correct format for blogger import xml file


Based on this document, , I created a text file with contents below, and try to import it into my existing blogger blog. The import process hangs on "importing blog posts" step, and posts do not get created. Is there something wrong with my file format?

<entry xmlns=''>
  <title type='text'>Marriage!</title>
  <content type='xhtml'>
    <div xmlns="">
      <p>Mr. Darcy has <em>proposed marriage</em> to me!</p>
      <p>He is the last man on earth I would ever desire to marry.</p>
      <p>Whatever shall I do?</p>
  <category scheme="" term="marriage" />
  <category scheme="" term="Mr. Darcy" />

Best Answer

You can try with this format:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> 
<ns0:feed xmlns:ns0=""> 
        <ns0:category scheme="" term="" /> 
        <ns0:category scheme="" term="CATEGORY A" />
        <ns0:category scheme="" term="CATEGORY B" />
        <ns0:id>BLOGGER TEST</ns0:id> 
        <ns0:content type="html">
            <p>Mr. Darcy has <em>proposed marriage</em> to me!</p>
            <p>He is the last man on earth I would ever desire to marry.</p>
            <p>Whatever shall I do?</p>
        <ns0:title type="html">BLOGGER TITLE</ns0:title> 
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