Trello – Adding the same attachment to multiple cards


I am currently using Trello to manage a short film project. I have uploaded sketches for each shot of my film but have several boards that require use of the same image.
I wondered if there was a way for me to reference the same images across multiple boards and cards.

At the minute I am uploading the same image several times. Or I have been adding a direct link to the current uploaded file. This appears as a hyperlink in the comments but doesn't give me the preview in the Trello card window which is what I want.

Even though there is currently no cap on space per user I am still conscious of uploading several files that are identical as it just seems to be a waste of space.

Am I missing something or is this a feature that does not yet exist?

Best Answer

For the foreseeable future, just upload the image. Or you could use an image sharing site like and just put in the URL.

I think the best way for Trello to solve this would be to pull down the image from a URL. For instance, when you paste a link from any of the popular image sharing sites to the chat client HipChat, it pulls down a preview of the image so you don't have to visit it. You could put in the URL multiple times and get a copy of the image each time without creating multiple uploads.