Trello – Automatically Assign Member When Date is Added


I'm new to Trello, but one of the features that I love is being able to see all the work you are assigned to. Sorting by Due Date I get a nice look at what I have to do. But, there's a lot of work (my personal board for example) that doesn't show up, because I was not assigned to it. In a board that consists of only one person, this would be a nice feature to have it automatically assign myself to the task. Another option is to prompt me to assign someone when a date is selected. That just makes a little more sense I think.

EDIT: I guess I'm just asking if this functionality exists, because I can't find it from searching Trello/google searches.

Best Answer

No, this functionality doesn't exist.

If you'd like the Trello developers to consider this feature, please email - this board is a more general forum for existing functionality of web applications, not development.

Great idea though :)