Trello – Can Trello auto-number list items and display the order in the list on the card, and update when the card moves


Is there any way to have the list "item number" appear on the card? I have a lot of things to keep track of, and seeing an actual "#45 Action" would be very useful – even more so if it would "re-calculate" based on where on the list I drag the item too

Let me re-phrase the original question… I just want to see list item # as an option to show / hide in the title of the card. When I move the card to the top of a list, it displays "#1 My Card Title" and when I move it to 5th on my list it displays "#5 My Card Title"

Best Answer

Each card has a card number which roughly translates to when it was added. For example, the card Subscribe on the Trello Development board is number 1049, which means it was roughly the 1049th card added to the board. The card number is visible in the bottom right of the back of a card.

There's no way to change or recalculate the card number. You might try just changing the title, though that can be a lot of work.

enter image description here

EDIT: Here is a screenshot from the latest version of Trello

enter image description here