Trello – How to Copy Cards Between Boards


This is how I copy a card from one board to another:

  1. Click the card

  2. Click Copy

  3. Select the right board from the (long!) list of boards

  4. Select the list in destination board

  5. Click copy

And this I have to repeat for every card – which is quite cumbersome and error-prone.

Is there a better way?

Maybe I could do this in bulk somehow? Or just drag-drop between boards?


In my company, we use Trello for project management of software development in sprints.

We have several boards with backlogs (for different projects) and then a board with a "current sprint", which are the tasks we work on currently.

Every week, when we pick cards from the backlog, I have to copy them over to the current sprint board. The process is slow, frustrating and error-prone.

Best Answer

It's a real bummer that Trello does not support bulk actions, I don't think it's an uncommon use case. My opinion aside, I can offer you two suggestions.

Copy and Paste Shortcut

Yep, it's as easy as that.

  1. Hover your mouse over a card on Board A
  2. Ctrl/Cmd + C
  3. Hover your mouse over Add a card... on a list on Board B
  4. Ctrl/Cmd + V

Here's how that works in action

Trello Copy and Paste

Multi-select for Trello

If you are using Google Chrome, you can buy a license for Multiselect for Trello a Chrome extension that makes batch actions on Trello easy.

You would

  1. Select a few cards you want to move from Board A
  2. Click the Actions menu and Copy
  3. Select your destination Board and list from the menu

Here's that in action

Multiselect for Trello Copy and Paste