Trello – Create a template of recurring cards in Trello that are copied, not moved


Is it possible to create a list in Trello that you can use as a palette or template of recurring task cards?

I am using Trello in a GTD type of way and would like to just drag a recurring task like "Do Expenses" from the palette list and it not be moved but copied instead.

Best Answer

Zapier can sort of do this with, while you won't be able "copy a card" on a schedule, you will be able to customize it in the Zapier interface.

schedule trello card creation

You can of course modify the card however you like, inserting special variables like current month, day of week or time, but you can also add lots of other options like labels and such.

Disclaimer: I'm a co-founder of Zapier but use Trello a lot personally (it rocks!).