Trello – Delete duplicate Trello cards


At times I have duplicate cards(or copies of) on different lists. Is there a way to do the following:

  1. update one card which updates all duplicate cards
  2. Delete/Archive one card which will apply the changes to all cards.

Best Answer

While card syncing isn't a native feature of Trello, you can add a link to the original card on the new card so that you can refer back to it easily. When you attach a link to a Trello card on another card, it will display a preview of that card, and will show which board and list it belongs to:

You can also click on the "Connect cards" link to make it a 2-way link, so that both cards link to each other.

Additionally, there are a few third-party Power-Ups that can help you keep cards in sync. You can read more about those here: