Trello – Email notifications when due date is approaching


I'm somewhat new to Trello, so I'm simply not sure if this is an available feature.

Is there a way to set your Trello account so it sends an email to assigned members when a card's due date is approaching?

Best Answer

According to this card on the trello development board, this feature went live a couple of months ago.

Notifications for upcoming due dates

This will only be for cards to which you are subscribed or assigned.

In notification email:

There will be an "Upcoming Cards" section above the other notifications. It will include the cards that are within the "notification window" (default 24 hours). It will include the due date and time. It will be sorted by due date, soonest at top. If the user has seen the card in the upcoming section, it won't show the card again (the user will be included in the idMembersSeenUpcomingEmail field, or whatever it will be called). If the due date changes, it will reset that field.

In notifications menu:

Users will get a notification as the card enters the "notification window" saying when the card is due.

Possibly include the ability to configure when reminder notifications are generated Possible option to remind every once in a while until it's due.