Trello – How to Copy All Board Task Headers Within a Column to Clipboard


I want to copy a single column of Trello cards to my clipboard (just the card titles).

If, for example, I have the following three columns:

TODO       DOING      DONE

Task3      Task2      Task1


and I want to copy only the "TODO" column, so the output will be:


Is this possible with some shortcut/action in Trello?

Best Answer

The Contractor app recommended by @xtoq is no longer available. If you are comfortable with using the browser console, the following JavaScript snippet from this blog post does the job:

var s = [];
s.push("# " + jQuery(".board-header").children()[0].innerText);
jQuery(".list:has(.list-header-name)").each(function() {
    s.push("\n## " + jQuery(this).find(".list-header-name")[0].value + "\n");
    jQuery(this).find(".list-card-title").each(function() {
        s.push("* " + this.innerText);

(Tested with Chrome Developer Tools console.)