Trello – How to copy text from the description on a Trello card


When I click on the description text of a Trello card that I have permission to edit, I'm immediately taken to an edit view. This is annoying if I actually need to copy some text from the description – perhaps a command that needs to be run – but makes copying code blocks almost impossible: in the edit view (Markdown syntax), all code is preceded by spaces or tabs, so I can't just paste it into a text editor.

How do I stop Trello going into edit mode when I click on the description text, and only do that when clicking on the "Edit the card description" link?

Best Answer

In the description, at the place where you want to start copying, press the left mouse button and immediately start moving towards the end of the text you want to select. Then release the mouse button. After that, press Ctrl-C to copy the text selected to the clipboard.

(In the title, the card immediately goes into edit-title-mode when you release the mouse button while still in the title text. In that case, you must move towards outside the area of the card title to prevent this behavior.)