Trello – How to Delete a List or Card


I have recently been exploring the new web application Trello and I accidentally created a list by mistake.

I figured out how to remove the list from the board by archiving it but in reality I would like to delete it completely (it was a mistake and I don't want it cluttering the archive).

Is there a way to completely delete a list and/or card in Trello?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no for lists and boards (for the moment). Card delete has been added since launch. Trello blog gives the answer as follows:

Can I delete a board/list/card and make it go away forever?

Trello doesn't have board or list delete. Archive and close have a similar effect. Card delete has been added since launch.

To delete a card, first archive it, then click delete from the sidebar back of the card OR click 'view archive' from the board sidebar, find the card, and delete it.

I've also found this bug annoying and contacted them.

Edit: Card delete has been added since launch.