Trello – How to export cards to email in Trello


I am using Trello, but not everyone is a fan in my organisation. So a wanted to ask if it is possible to send cards as an email/task to another persons outlook/exchange account.

I make my project, but someone else needs to perform the task → I send the card to this person and he uses his own system to further follow up the card. When the card is finished, he can send me another notification, and I can place the card in the right (done)-column.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

I think that using the "Email to Card" function might help you out.

  1. Open the card you want to share with your co-worker.
  2. Click "Share and more" in the bottom of the right column.
  3. Click "Email for this card"
  4. Copy and send this email address to your co-worker

Anything emailed into that address will show up as a comment on that card.